Client blog posts
As Product Marketing Manager for Fingercheck, I created and managed an editorial calendar for 2023 to include B2B and B2C channels, led GTM launches and social campaigns, aligned the calendar with product launches and social campaigns, and authored 56 blogs. View my blog posts here.
I also developed a concept for a Year-End Resource Center for the Customer Support team, then wrote the content, designed the webpage, and wrote the emails and blog posts. View the site here.
Health IT

Interoperability Between Hospitals and EMS is a Light Switch Away
The following is a guest article by Emily Burch Harris, Freelance Health Writer. DirectTrust recently hosted their second annual Summit (recordings still available), an event focused on connecting …
Health Feature Writing
Family, lifestyle, and sports content
Please visit my soccer blog to learn more about this content.
Feature and magazine writing

Go Green: 3 Triad Hotspots Celebrate St. Paddy’s Every Day
What are you doing for St. Patrick’s Day? Here are some options.

Cancer survivor says giving back makes it worthwhile
A black Labrador retriever named Emma taught Fran Rinehuls about cancer patients.

Greensboro Beautiful: Putting the green in Greensboro – for 50 years
Imagine if Greensboro wasn’t green. What would that look like? No trees, parks, gardens or greenways.

Doctors thought Jeremy Gregory wouldn’t live long. Now he’s graduated from ECPI
Shortly after Jeremy Gregory’s birth, his mother was told he wouldn’t live past age 5.

Greensboro Mural Project letters inspire ‘Tough Love’
The Greensboro Mural Project solicited letters from residents to describe what they love most about the city. What they got back wasn’t roses.

Fall Jubilee: Reidsville artists paint soul onto skin
Scott Fray and Madelyn Greco’s interest in body painting introduced them to a new lifestyle and level of creativity in business.

RiverFest: Strolling magician brings magic to the streets
Glen Yost’s fascination with magic began when he was 5 years old and his cousin introduced him to some tricks.

Enrichment classes offer fun, learning and food
Have you ever wanted to ride a motorcycle? Or decorate a cake like a boss? Master your camera? Shoot your own Christmas photo? Discover a new language and culture? Learn

Rick Diehl
Rick Diehl answered a calling at age 53 to leave a 24-year career in environmental water quality and attend nursing school.
How can I help you?
- Research
- Content marketing
- Copywriting
- Ghostwriting
- Strategic communications
- Case studies
- Email campaigns
- Social media campaigns

My clients include