Emily Harris writing sample 1 Emily Harris writing sample 2 Emily Harris writing sample 3
Update on setting goals
I've not done well with the blogging. But ... I'm working on it. Step 1: revisit my goals Step 2: realize and accept what I can do v. what I can't Step 3: celebrate the small victories Step 1: I can't blog every day. I'd hoped to hit every other week. I'm working off that … Continue reading Update on setting goals
Setting Manageable Goals
This is not my forte, but I am working on it. Example: I am running the Tar Heel 10-Miler in April. I don’t train by running 10 miles every day. In fact, the most I’ve run in one outing is four miles, though I have run that with additional walking mileage. I’m building a base, … Continue reading Setting Manageable Goals
Good eats: Clean foods fuel body
Blog post February 14, 2014 I am behind my weekly-post goal. I got sick, busy, sick again and have been working on this clean-eating challenge. But I’m not quitting on the blogging or my Tar Heel 10-miler race plans. Clean eating Do you know what it takes to eat clean? Cooking from scratch Organization in … Continue reading Good eats: Clean foods fuel body
Wise-cracking preschooler
So, we have this winter weather event -- maybe you've heard of it? It's all over TV, the print papers, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ... it's cold. It's a "Polar Vortex" and you can read about it here, where real experts write about it. I told my preschool-age son, "we can go to (restaurant of childhood … Continue reading Wise-cracking preschooler
Eating crow
My legs feel like rubbery goo and my hip flexors are a little too stretched out. I don’t know why my legs are gooey. I’ve run a minimum of a mile every day since Thanksgiving 2013 (yay, Runner’s World challenge). Most days, I did more than the mile. I figured a mile was a realistic … Continue reading Eating crow
Setting realistic goals
As we end 2013, let's remember all we've accomplished. Maybe you paid a bill off, or saved thousands by using coupons. Maybe you managed to get to work, slog through the grind and complete a massive project. Or maybe you got out of bed and managed a shower while battling wicked depression. For the first time … Continue reading Setting realistic goals
Here's a link to my Twitter assignment (live-Tweet an event, I chose the Parks & Rec's advisory board/commission meeting about the dog park): #SanfordDogPark My handle is @emilydbharris Here's what's happening today (below). I am attending the meeting and I'll Tweet from it. The next step in this process is for the Lee County Board … Continue reading Twitter
“One Minute Past Christmas” by George T. Arnold
George T. Arnold, my former journalism professor and adviser at Marshall, is now retired. He's penned a short story and asked that I spread the word. Would you please do so, too, if it so moves you? He's a true class act and I'd love to get the word out for him. The description: "One … Continue reading “One Minute Past Christmas” by George T. Arnold
Week 12: Writing for Spaces in Business
Assignment: Create an interactive FAQ help page for ncatregister.com. This FAQ should anticipate common problems and questions users might have about the publication. The objective is to think for our audiences and anticipate their questions and needs. It is therefore the process that is most important, not the product. NOTE: items below in (italics) are … Continue reading Week 12: Writing for Spaces in Business