Starting today, I am participating in a three-day virtual writing workshop, and it’s sending me into a #FlashbackFriday mode. Our introductory session included pairing us up in a “get to know you” session. When we came back to the group, we were told to write a description of our partner as a superhero.
This project reminded me of seventh-grade language arts class. Ms. Ketchum had us break out into groups, which was terrifying at that age (talk! to boys and other girls!). She often opened class with writing prompts. We would write for five or ten minutes, then had the option to read aloud what we had written. And that is how today’s session went.
That write fast, read it out loud approach was a bit scary then and now, but was also fun. Back in the day, I remember sitting in my trailer classroom, lights off, and a real candle lit (wrapped in foil inside a glass vase) while my classmates and I read our Halloween-themed stories. There was a chill in the Durham, NC air and the sun was hidden by ominous clouds, both of which helped set the mood.
Right now, it is a sunny and chilly early spring day — a perfect day to write fast and read aloud. My partner, Taryn, and I spoke for 10 minutes, discovering that we have some similar interests (dogs, cats, animals, food and yoga). It was so much fun to write about her (and I love what she wrote about me)!
Another flashback from those days as a middle-school student in Durham, watching The Breakfast Club at South Square Mall with my bestie. And The Breakfast Club just celebrated its release anniversary. John Hughes’ movies and soundtracks were always magical.