Update on setting goals

I’ve not done well with the blogging. But … I’m working on it.
Step 1: revisit my goals
Step 2: realize and accept what I can do v. what I can’t
Step 3: celebrate the small victories

Step 1: I can’t blog every day. I’d hoped to hit every other week. I’m working off that plan. Why? I am busy. Yes, I want to write, but I can’t just publish crap. Crap is not worth the ink (did you know you can return free books on Amazon?)

Step 2: Training for the Tar Heel 10-Miler is my “outside the box” goal for the next few weeks. So that is my primary non-necessary focus.

I hit the 6-mile mark on Friday and here’s what went through my head during the run:
Mile 1: This isn’t so bad
Mile 2: God, this sucks. Why am I doing this?
Mile 3: Why does my foot hurt? OMG. (Had to stop, take off shoes and rub the base of my toes)
Mile 4: I got this.
Mile 5: I want a Big Mac (the Greenway in Sanford, NC, takes folks behind McD’s, Elizabeth’s Pizza, Applebee’s and a movie theater … torture).
Mile 6: Where’s my car? Why did I park on that side? OMG … I’m done!

Step 3: I sent three queries off to agents on Friday night. I survived 6 miles.

is waiting

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