Week 12: Writing for Spaces in Business

Assignment: Create an interactive FAQ help page for ncatregister.com. This FAQ should anticipate common problems and questions users might have about the publication.

The objective is to think for our audiences and anticipate their questions and needs. It is therefore the process that is most important, not the product.

NOTE: items below in (italics) are what would be posted if space were available in this blog. The free sites only offer x amount of space.

FAQ for (www.ncatregister.com)

What is The A&T Register?
The A&T Register is the newspaper of record for the campus of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, a historically black university.

NCA&TSU is the largest historically black college or university in the state of North Carolina, is one of the top five largest in the country, and is a land grant institution and a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina.

The newspaper, which prints most Wednesdays during the fall and spring semesters, can be found in print at 15 locations across campus.

The website, ncatregister.com, is updated more frequently, offering users instant news as it happens.

The Register was first published in 1893. The paper began as a monthly publication.

In 1970, The Register acquired equipment enabling its staff to perform functions of newspaper production. The only thing the staff was not able to do was print its own publications.

In 1985, the student newspaper grew so much that the Register Staff House was established.

Today, the Register is located in Room 328 of the General Classroom Building and publishes most Wednesdays during the academic year.

Over the years, the staff has accumulated numerous awards and has been regarded as one of the best HBCU newspapers in the country.

Our alumni staff have attended law or graduate school at Columbia, Elon and Syracuse universities, University of Maryland, UNC-Chapel Hill and work for such news outlets as The Wall Street Journal, the Greensboro News & Record, The Fayetteville Observer, as well as community publications, radio stations and other media outlets.

What’s the newspaper’s purpose?
The general purpose of the A&T Register is to:

  • Provide forums for student writing, editing, photography, business management, and other related functions.
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinion.
  • Entertain.
  • Inform the university community and provide a record of life at the university.
  • Provide students with training and management skills.
  • Provide students with strong skills in critical thinking, research, data evaluation, and writing and communication.

Where are we located?
The A&T Register offices are in General Classroom Building, Room 328. But, given the changing nature of the industry, we are increasingly mobile. If you want our exact location, follow us on Twitter at #ATRegister.

How can I reach you?
Our phone number is 336-334-7700

Our fax is: 336-256-0833

Our mailing address is: The A&T Register, Box E-25, 1601 E. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27411

Our email addresses are:

Our Facebook: A&T Register

Our Twitter:#ATRegister

Our physical location: General Classroom Building, Room 328

I want to place an ad:
Contact us by email or phone, or drop by. Our business staff will respond within four hours or by start of business the next business day. 336-334-7700 or atregister@yahoo.com

I want to give you money…
We like money. It helps us pay our bills. We accept cash, checks and money orders made payable to “The A&T Register.” We are working on a PayPal account, but red tape is a beast.

I want to donate …
Please call our adviser, Emily Harris at 336-285-3449. We love donations. Here’s what we really, really want:

  • Keurig coffeemaker and pods
  • iPads (for mobile reporting)
  • Memory cards for Cannon digital cameras
  • Food

I want to submit a story idea …
Email or Tweet us! theatregister@gmail.com or #ATRegister

The editors meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. The contributors meet Wednesdays at 5 p.m.

I want to submit a photo or video clip …
Email or Tweet us! theatregister@gmail.com or #ATRegister

The editors meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. The contributors meet Wednesdays at 5 p.m.

Why advertise with us?
(rate card and pub calendar/contract)
(web rates)

We deliver an audience you want: nearly 11,000 students with disposable cash and nearly 2,000 faculty and staff who are tired of brown-bagging their lunches. Nobody else can deliver this to your business.

Join us!
2012-13 Staff:

  • Editor in Chief: Erik Veal
  • Managing Editor: Karmen Robinson
  • Opinions Editor: Kalyn Hoyle
  • Sports Editor: Symone Kidd
  • Scene Editor: Necole Jackson
  • Copy Editor: Justine Riddick & Kash Schrivens
  • Photography Editor: Christopher Martin
  • ncatregister.com: Kayla McLaughlin & Courtney Matthews
  • Staff Writers: Chanel Tucker, Lilliane Long, Brie-Anne Robinson
  • Staff Photographers: Alicia Fundeburk, Jasmine Palmer

Why work with us?
(staff application)

Do you want to know what’s going on before everyone else? Do you like being the first to know what’s up? Are you just nosey? Great, join the reporting staff!

Do you have an eye for design? Are you OCD about comma placement? Join the design/desk staff.

Are you sales-savvy? We want you selling for us!

Here’s the deal: If you want to work in the communication industry, you must communicate. We need writers, bloggers, podcasters, photographers, designers, event planners and ad sales staffers. We are a business. Our goal is the same: produce news. Our endgame is the same: Get a job. You aren’t going to get a job if you don’t have the skills to back up your degree.

What parents should know:
We are college students. We do stuff you might think is silly (to be nice).

But we want to pursue this path.

Support us (money’s nice, but your support is something else).

Understand now that deadlines are real.

Understand also that we might miss classes to cover news.

Our adviser doesn’t want us to do that, but news happens when it happens.

Celebrate our bylines and understand that this is really hard.

What faculty/staff/community should know:
The adviser does not edit the newspaper. That’s called prior review and it’s against the students’ rights (at a state-funded school). The adviser doesn’t tell us what to print, but offers sound advice on questionable decisions and ideas.

is waiting

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