Weeks 10 & and 11 assignment

Note: This is posted in two blocks. Part one is the assignment. Part two is the story. That seemed a less-clunky way to go.

The assignment:

Your task: Report, source, write, edit and post one news story on any topic. The article must have or rely upon at least three named (or identified) human sources. (Three is the minimum.) The more timely the topic, the better, and the story should demonstrate impact or consequence. Clear ideas and/or story angles with the professor. A lot of really poor journalism has been done on this assignment, so don’t let that be you.


Post with the story the questions you asked your sources, a list of the facts you checked and verified, and a list of the sources you attempted to contact (not merely those you were able to include in your story). Also identify your intended audience(s). As with the first week’s assignment, it might help to identify a publication, news organization or Web site that might run your story. Several alumni of this course had their work published by publications such as the Charlotte Observer, the News & Observer, and Atlanta magazine, to name a few.


As you are completing this assignment, think about what might be added for publication online, including multimedia and interactive features. Because online offers unlimited “space,” consider the range of added features that could be developed, including fact boxes, a FAQ list, a podcast or video extra, interview notes and transcripts, maps, charts, a glossary, slideshow, animated graphic, poll, related stories and opinion, and perhaps an area where readers can contribute reactions, story ideas, photos and comments. No need to do these things, but consider what might make a strong story package online.



Questions I asked:

Source: Heather Quinn, owner of Sitter-Stay

Would you use a dog park?

Have you been to a dog park?

Would it benefit your business?

Would it benefit the community? How?

Do you foresee any risks?


Source: Sam Gaskins, mayor pro tem

What are your thoughts on the proposed dog park?

How do you think it would play out?


Sources: John W. Payne and Lora Kelley, Lee County Parks and Recreation

How many surveys have been submitted?

How did you publicize the survey?

Timeframe for survey?

How tabulated?

Location of park (s)?

How would park be funded and maintained? Any volunteers? Grants? Donations?

Cost to build? Maintain?

Safety enforcement?

Size of park? Hours?

Perks – obstacle course? benches? water stations?

What area parks have you visited?

What has the feedback from the surveys been? How have you addressed it?

Isn’t adding a dog park the new trend in parks and apartments?

How many counties our size have a dog park?

When is the advisory meeting? (date not yet set)


Source: Dee Ann Chester, resident and two-dog owner

Would you use a dog park?

Do you think a dog park is a good idea?


Sources I attempted to reach:

Jennifer Krietzer (sp?), manager of Rae-Zor Boarding & Grooming (a dog daycare facility in Sanford)


I posted the following on Facebook:

I’m looking for people in Sanford/Lee County who own dogs and who’d like to talk to me about the county Park & Rec Department’s plans to build a dog park. This is for a class assignment. Thanks — FB message me please or post and I’ll reply.

No feedback from sources, though I got two out-of-the-area likes.


List of facts I checked:

I verified the math on the Survey Monkey results as provided to me by Lora Kelley.

I verified the procedure (survey for interest, interest meeting, etc) to get something to the commissioners  and/or city council


Intended audience:

Lee County residents who have dogs or who are dog friendly. I may reach out to real estate agents, as I think a dog park would be an asset to the community.


Intended publication:

The Fayetteville Observer, Dog Living magazine (covers N.C. dog living), Triangle Dog (covers Triangle dog living)


Added features:

Fact boxes about area dog parks and the distance from Sanford

Links to articles about the trend with dog parks

Photos of dog parks they like

Photos of sources

Map of draft site

Proposed rules

Video from dog park

Link to the poll


Links to dog parks:








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